When your beloved pet passes away -

you can keep

their memory close . . . . .

with a Comfort Cuddles companion

Comfort Cuddles companions

are soft to touch and cuddle,

helping you to remember your special friend


ease the pain of their passing.


Our pets give us so much love and joy, but sadly,

their lives are so much shorter than ours

- there will come a day

when your pet snuggles in for one last cuddle.

It’s not easy to say goodbye. There is no timetable and no right or wrong way to cope with grief. 

Finding healthy ways to cope with your loss can be the first step in coping with the sadness:

  • If you have other pets, try to keep their routine as normal as possible because pets can pick up on stress;

  • Connect with people who care about you;

  • Eat healthily, rest well, and exercise;

  • If the loss is all too hard to cope with, a doctor or mental health professional can help you work through your pain.

  • Place a memento of your pet inside a Comfort Cuddle companion and hold their memory close.

Lifeline—phone 13 11 14 for free counselling and support (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

Lifeline can also provide information about other grief counselling services.

Comfort Cuddle Puppy with Wings

Comfort Cuddle Puppy

with Wings

Comfort Cuddle Kitten with Wings

Comfort Cuddle Kitten

with Wings

Comfort Cuddle Teddy with Wings

Comfort Cuddle Teddy

with Wings